Baptism is a gift of grace in which God, through water and word, claims us as his own. In the Lutheran church, baptism is one of two sacraments through which we are made new, forgiven people, adopted into God’s family, loved for life and beyond. In baptism, God initiates a relationship with us through the work of the Holy Spirit. In baptism, God chooses us and we joyfully respond to that choosing. In the same way that we do not choose our parents but respond to their love, the same is true in our relationship with God.
For Martin Luther, baptism was the primary sacrament. It marks our birth into a life lived in God. It reminds us of God’s claim upon our lives and God’s desire for us to know the joy of his love. From a more theological perspective, baptism also reminds us that a life lived in relationship with God is a daily “dying and rising”; dying to living our way or the way of our current culture, and rising to new life to live, like Christ, in God’s way.
In baptism God claims us as children, adopts us into the family of God’s people, forgives us our sin for turning away from God, gives us the gift of his presence through the Holy Spirit, and promises us eternal life. A life of faith begins in the water and Word coming as the promise of God’s love for us in Holy Baptism.
The following are guiding polices for Cross Roads Lutheran Parish Congregations.
1. All are welcome to be baptized into the Christian faith through baptism. There is no minimum or maximum age for baptism.
2. Prior to the baptism, ministry staff will meet with the individual or family to get acquainted and to respond to any questions they may have. This visit can be at their home, at the church, or another location decided upon by ministerial staff and the family. Topics for the meeting can be:
why Lutherans do baptism,
what will happen that day,
and the role as the one being baptized or as a parent, grandparent, or sponsor
3. On the day of the baptism, parents, sponsors, ministerial staff and those being baptized will gather about 30 minutes before the worship service time. Usually they will meet in the main entry area of the church.
4. When a child or child(ren) are baptized, the family is encouraged to choose godparents/sponsors who practice faith in the Christian tradition and, if possible, can be present for the baptism. These godparents/sponsors will be asked to profess their faith and make promises regarding the spiritual direction of the child(ren).
5. As a faith community, the congregation makes promises on behalf of the one being baptized. When possible, baptisms should be in the context of a regularly scheduled worship service with the gathered community. However, there could be unavoidable circumstances that occur that make it difficult or impossible for the Baptism to be held within a community. When this happens, Cross Roads Lutheran Parish congregations will offer members to be available to attend.
6. All those who desire to be baptized, or who desire to have their children baptized are welcome at Cross Roads. Baptism is just the beginning of a life-long journey of relationship with Jesus Christ. Baptism is also a partnership in which parents, godparents/sponsors, together with the entire congregation are equipped to joyfully work together to raise a child in faith. Because of this partnership we encourage parents to engage in an on-going relationship with Cross Roads or another faith community for their own growth and support. If family membership is elsewhere, Cross Roads congregations will transfer membership back to their home congregation.
7. For good order and in accordance with the congregational constitution and bylaws, a record of the baptism will be kept in the records according to the policy of each congregation. Information that should be kept is full name of the baptized, parents full name and mother’s maiden name, date of baptism, date of birth, place of birth, baptismal sponsor’s names, and congregational membership, if other than Cross Roads.
8. Each congregation can determine if they would like to present mementos such as a candle, napkin, robe, certificate, Bible/children’s Bible/book, baby blanket, medallion, teaching information about celebrating and observing baptismal anniversaries and passing on faith, or other special remembrances.
9. Ministry and activities at Cross Roads Lutheran Parish that support the ministry of the baptized and the baptismal promises are administrational groups such as Parish Council, Congregational Councils and committees. Cross generational and faith formation programs such as but not limited to Sunday School, Confirmation, youth groups, Women’s Ministries, Men’s Ministries, Fellowship groups, Bible Studies, and Milestone ministry.
10. As a way to remind the congregation of the importance of the promises of baptism and equip and empower them, each congregation can recognize the baptized each year at a remembrance of Baptism. The purpose of this event is to educate and provide resources that families can use in the home to pass on the faith to children. The event can also provide resources to encourage adults to use faith practices, bless the baptized during a worship service, and to receive a small gift to remind all of the call to the ministry of the baptized.
11. In the case for the need of an emergency baptism, the ministry of the baptized allows for a lay-person to baptize another. For good order, Cross Roads Lutheran Parish strongly encourages that every attempt be made to contact the rostered ministerial staff. Following an emergency baptism the ministerial or secretarial staff will be contacted to complete the record keeping.